Help us document this iconic restaurant with a contribution!


$250,000 or more...

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$150,000 and up to $250,000...

Be the first!

$75,000 and up to $150,000...

Be the first!

$50,000 and up to $75,000... Star Funding

Be the first!

$35,000 and up to $50,000... Co-Star Funding I

Be the first!

$15,000 and up to $35,000... Co-Star Funding II

Andreas C Dracopoulos ($25,000)

Peter W. May ($25,000)

Norm and Ruthie Ellenbogen ($15,000)

join them! be part of this story forever...


$7,500 and up to $15,000... Supporting Cast Funding I

Ann and Herbert Siegel ($10,000)

$3,500 and up to $7,500... Supporting Cast Funding II

Be the first!

$1,500 and up to $3,500... Additional Cast Contributors I

Be the first!

$300 and up to $1,500... Additional Cast Contributors II

Angela Smith Domzal ($1,000)

Meryl Rosofsky & Stuart H. Coleman ($1,000)

Anthony Chan ($500)

Ambassador John L. Loeb Jr. ($500)

Jane Gladstein ($400)

Marc & Robin Fisher ($300)

Edward J George ($300)

Laura Taylor & Nicholas Lester ($300)

$50 and up to $300... Special Thanks

Doug & Dale Anderson ($250)

Anonymous ($100)

John Boyer ($75)

Michael Hayes ($100)

Vladimir Kraljevic ($100)

Lee D. Vincent ($50)


Sandy Castlebaum

Irene Reichbach